Sunday, October 17, 2010

Waiting for d 1

I have always fancied d idea of falling i love. I luved being teaded wid my crushes n evn if dey wernt, i made sum cock n bull stories just to grab attention of my frnds. But as I grew up, i was fortunate to have a guy who luvd me a lot, but I was silly to dismiss him as my frnd, i broke his heart but muvd on wid my new lyf.

I njoyd my lyf bcoz i had ppl who cared me a lot and i had a fun tym in their company, but still maintained not so close frndship wid d guy who fell in luv wid me( lets name him x). But again i grew up n went to a new city, making new frnds was always easy for me, but dat was wen i ws small, nw i ws a big gal, n evry step had to b taken wid care. i entered into the world of bitches, playboys, n fake faces. Every1 had fake luv toward me. I nvr knew it and accepted dem n der fakeness.

As d days passes by, frnds became close, i started facing the true colours of ppl. The innocent of ol ws d biggest bitch, and the biggest bitch ws a bitch but true wid her attitude, she spoke wat she liked n disliked, yet ppl luvd her n as for d innocent gal,she remained innocent in every's eyes.

I tried coping up wid d fakeness arnd me, but it ws difficult dan i tht and meanwhile i met 2 guys, one old frnd(p) n d otr new1(m) ws his frnd. I felt close wid p and shared sum of my xperiences wid him. He too had faced d same, he did help me out, but cudnt help to d xtent i needed. As days passed by, i strd liking him, but soon he gt his gal. I didnt feel disappointed or go into depresseion, coz he ws der wen i needed him.

Meanwhile X too came to noe abt my feelings towards P who is still his not so gud frnd, but still in his heart he knew 1 truth. Days passed by, i strtd accepting d fakeness arnd me, but den M made me realize dat i ws nt alone in d fake world. He shared his syd of d story, n wen we shared a close bond, i strtd developing feeling agn for him. But htis tym, i ws nt ready to accept dat d feeling ws luv, i knew dat i just wntd him to b wid me coz i ws feeling alone. N it turnd out to b d same. He just spoke to me as a normal frnd, n spoke to me only bcoz he too wntd to cope up wid d fakeness arnd him.

I ws happy coz i knew dis ws wat gng to hppn. Days passes by, i cudnt cope wid d fake frnds, but yet i had to be wid dem for social contact purposes. I cudnt turn to X coz i ws too ashamed of wat i dun to him. I tht he did undrstd my feelings, but he was too busy concentrating on his career. P was happy wid his gal n d way his lyf ws gng on, he didnt care much abt me dese days, but yet dropped by sumtyms to show dat he ws still der wid me. M ws lost into his new world, i dont noe much abt him, but last i hrd ws dat he ws flirting arnd wid my bitch frnd.

I tried being close wid my innocent n bitch frnd, but still cudnt share d "besties" bond wid dem. I have lrnd a lot abt gals n "frndship-luv" wid guys, but yet faild to undrstd 1 thing, wat went wrong wid me dat i wasnt accepted by dese fake ppl. N den d angel inside me told "Wait for d 1 n meanwhile njoy d lonliness, coz once he cums, he did nvr leave me alone"

N till dis day, i m waiting for the 1. Its nt a prob to wait for d 1, coz i noe i ll be a virgin for him(nt a bitch lik otrs), but i m scared dat my loneliness myt change me for d bad n i myt loose him for no mistake of myn. But den to live in lyf u hv to b positive, so wid positive attitude i m living for him hoping to fynd a frnd who will b my best bridesmaid wen i m getting married wid my 1.

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