Sunday, February 6, 2011

cold warm sea

Under the blanket of dark sky, you and i sharing the same,
we walk together in this romantic moonlight wishing the end never comes.
The cold sea sweeps my feet,

While the moon rises high up in the sky, to meet the shining stars,
you sink in deep into my heart becoming my superstar.
Suddenly you hold me close,
closer than we can ever be.

Your soft hair falls on your forehead, your eyes twinkle
and thats the only light i can see.
i feel the cold wind blowing through your warm body,
and in the cold windy moonlight with stars shining the brightest
you kiss my lips and the sea feels warm.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Ever since i have met you, you held some magic that just pulled me towards you.
I remember the day we met, we shook hands and i completely went haywire. I started dreaming about you not just during the night times, but also saw your visions in the broad day light.:-P
My eyes would open and there would be a smile on my face, as if the whole night i cuddled in your strong arms. While brushing, i prayed to bump into you the following day, but this is not a fairytale, never got a chance to meet you again.
But with a hope that my life is also a fairy tale, i met you again and fortunately, we sat beside each other in the theater.
And since then i didnt need to pray to meet you, we kept meeting, and only for you, i started being awake in the nights just to chat with you. We chatted all the non sense in the world, you didnt flirt with me, but yet there was some magic in you that pulled me toward you.
You were no prince, but you definitely were (are) a prince charming or should i say a cansonova person, inveigler person, (not many nouns to name you), but your words, your style painted the town red ( thanks to the girls who blushed by just seeing you). You were a paranormal person.
You charisma caught me too and i became addicted to you, strong as marijuana.:-D.
I started feeling special, made myself your amulet, but just like every other story, a witch came and you were under her spell. I didnt want to confess my love to you, i didnt want to loose you so i chose friendship over love and remained at you left arm.
I am not an arm candy, but definitely proved your compatriot and shall remain as long as i find some Casanova just like you. He cannot replace you, but then all good things dot come in a single life package. :-)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Waiting for d 1

I have always fancied d idea of falling i love. I luved being teaded wid my crushes n evn if dey wernt, i made sum cock n bull stories just to grab attention of my frnds. But as I grew up, i was fortunate to have a guy who luvd me a lot, but I was silly to dismiss him as my frnd, i broke his heart but muvd on wid my new lyf.

I njoyd my lyf bcoz i had ppl who cared me a lot and i had a fun tym in their company, but still maintained not so close frndship wid d guy who fell in luv wid me( lets name him x). But again i grew up n went to a new city, making new frnds was always easy for me, but dat was wen i ws small, nw i ws a big gal, n evry step had to b taken wid care. i entered into the world of bitches, playboys, n fake faces. Every1 had fake luv toward me. I nvr knew it and accepted dem n der fakeness.

As d days passes by, frnds became close, i started facing the true colours of ppl. The innocent of ol ws d biggest bitch, and the biggest bitch ws a bitch but true wid her attitude, she spoke wat she liked n disliked, yet ppl luvd her n as for d innocent gal,she remained innocent in every's eyes.

I tried coping up wid d fakeness arnd me, but it ws difficult dan i tht and meanwhile i met 2 guys, one old frnd(p) n d otr new1(m) ws his frnd. I felt close wid p and shared sum of my xperiences wid him. He too had faced d same, he did help me out, but cudnt help to d xtent i needed. As days passed by, i strd liking him, but soon he gt his gal. I didnt feel disappointed or go into depresseion, coz he ws der wen i needed him.

Meanwhile X too came to noe abt my feelings towards P who is still his not so gud frnd, but still in his heart he knew 1 truth. Days passed by, i strtd accepting d fakeness arnd me, but den M made me realize dat i ws nt alone in d fake world. He shared his syd of d story, n wen we shared a close bond, i strtd developing feeling agn for him. But htis tym, i ws nt ready to accept dat d feeling ws luv, i knew dat i just wntd him to b wid me coz i ws feeling alone. N it turnd out to b d same. He just spoke to me as a normal frnd, n spoke to me only bcoz he too wntd to cope up wid d fakeness arnd him.

I ws happy coz i knew dis ws wat gng to hppn. Days passes by, i cudnt cope wid d fake frnds, but yet i had to be wid dem for social contact purposes. I cudnt turn to X coz i ws too ashamed of wat i dun to him. I tht he did undrstd my feelings, but he was too busy concentrating on his career. P was happy wid his gal n d way his lyf ws gng on, he didnt care much abt me dese days, but yet dropped by sumtyms to show dat he ws still der wid me. M ws lost into his new world, i dont noe much abt him, but last i hrd ws dat he ws flirting arnd wid my bitch frnd.

I tried being close wid my innocent n bitch frnd, but still cudnt share d "besties" bond wid dem. I have lrnd a lot abt gals n "frndship-luv" wid guys, but yet faild to undrstd 1 thing, wat went wrong wid me dat i wasnt accepted by dese fake ppl. N den d angel inside me told "Wait for d 1 n meanwhile njoy d lonliness, coz once he cums, he did nvr leave me alone"

N till dis day, i m waiting for the 1. Its nt a prob to wait for d 1, coz i noe i ll be a virgin for him(nt a bitch lik otrs), but i m scared dat my loneliness myt change me for d bad n i myt loose him for no mistake of myn. But den to live in lyf u hv to b positive, so wid positive attitude i m living for him hoping to fynd a frnd who will b my best bridesmaid wen i m getting married wid my 1.